Earl Grey Tea w/ 500mg Lion's Mane Per Bag

from CA$37.50

Bringing you a taste of the classic English blend with Chinese origins, this full-bodied Lion’s Mane Earl Grey is made with organic black tea, natural oil of bergamot, and of course, Lion’s Mane!

Earl Grey is a universal blend of tea that is said to have been created for the Second Earl of Grey in the 1800s.


  1. Bring fresh, preferably filtered water to a boil.

  2. Add tea bag into an 8-oz. mug.

  3. Pour the heated water into the mug.

  4. Steep for 4-6 minutes.

  5. Remove tea bag.

  6. Sip and enjoy Lion’s Mane Tea.

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Bringing you a taste of the classic English blend with Chinese origins, this full-bodied Lion’s Mane Earl Grey is made with organic black tea, natural oil of bergamot, and of course, Lion’s Mane!

Earl Grey is a universal blend of tea that is said to have been created for the Second Earl of Grey in the 1800s.


  1. Bring fresh, preferably filtered water to a boil.

  2. Add tea bag into an 8-oz. mug.

  3. Pour the heated water into the mug.

  4. Steep for 4-6 minutes.

  5. Remove tea bag.

  6. Sip and enjoy Lion’s Mane Tea.

Bringing you a taste of the classic English blend with Chinese origins, this full-bodied Lion’s Mane Earl Grey is made with organic black tea, natural oil of bergamot, and of course, Lion’s Mane!

Earl Grey is a universal blend of tea that is said to have been created for the Second Earl of Grey in the 1800s.


  1. Bring fresh, preferably filtered water to a boil.

  2. Add tea bag into an 8-oz. mug.

  3. Pour the heated water into the mug.

  4. Steep for 4-6 minutes.

  5. Remove tea bag.

  6. Sip and enjoy Lion’s Mane Tea.